HOW Many American Millionaires?
ONE MILLION new U.S. millionaires just in 2000 alone, bringing America's total to 6,850,000 millionaires.
Two thousand seven hundred forty new millionaires per day
Can you imagine?
Another 17,000 new millionaires week after week after week
AFTER the Bush/Cheney-inspired downturn, we had nearly seven million millionaires!.
Several Americans will double their income in the next hour.
If you're not one of them, hush up and pay attention. Be grateful that those who are doing it are nice enough to share their high-powered shortcuts with you.
If you're NOT living your dreams, kindly pipe down and learn from those who ARE.
If you examine how these people get wealthy, the first two facts are revealing, and immediately useful to YOU:
Lottery millionaires plus lawsuit AND athlete millionaires AND entertainment millionaires, all added together, are less than 1% of all our US millionaires!!
80% have little or no college education, let alone a degree!
About 4,275,000 of those who became million-dollar-per-year income earners between 1992 and 2000 took something they already enjoyed doing, and focused four or more hours per week finding a way to get paid for it. How complicated does it need to be for you to realize how powerfully this can & will affect you this month? SHUT UP and get busy!!
What do YOU love to do?
THAT'S your personal ticket to supersuccess!! Doing what you love, and finding ways to get paid for it:
this is inarguably the largest source of wealth in America.How many rich in America? We have 271 of the world’s 563 known billionaires, along with six thousand and eight hundred
groups of a thousand millionaires per group!
This doesn't even include those who are merely worth a million, just those who are earning a million or more per year. Another 50,000 people flicker above/below million-dollar mark.
How do these people do it? I asked a hundred, then dozens of hundreds, one by one, how they did it. I kept hearing the same answers over & over & over again. Surprisingly, few said, "hard work." The most common answers amounted to nothing more and nothing less than
shortcuts they'd taken years to appreciate, ESPECIALLY the act of map-making; a list of daily/weekly/annual specific things to do.
Roughly nine of ten people who read these words are smart enough to know exactly what to do and how to do it. They are also far too.... profoundly stupid to act upon the information they already possess.
Those who act... are the wisest of all. Those who act upon what they know... are the wisest of all. Knowing is secondary to doing.
You already know that excellence cannot occur accidentally. When did you last earn a reputation for being great at something? When did you personally get reaaallllly busy?
Every single human skill, every person who enjoys a reputation for having great skill -- without exception -- can point to one thing: repetition. It is the mother of every human skill.
Can you tell us in one sentence what you most want? If you don't know where you're going, you'll most likely end up somewhere else.
People who don't have written plans for their lives almost always serve a man who does. You just might read that last sentence again; it goes deeper than you may be recognizing.
We already know that the human brain cannot even BEGIN to function without set, defined goals. Punching someone else's clock? Guess you're serving that person's dreams and goals, aren't you? It IS possible to use your time more efficiently so that, if you ARE investing the majority of your work hours serving someone else's written plan (that's what we call a "business plan" while creating and serving your own written plans at least a few hours per week. A few minutes per day is enough to demonstrate that you are NOT in the 93% category of miserable, mostly unfulfilled people.
Look at your own life truthfully and your picture of your future will be clearer. Destiny and destination are two words from the same root. What is your destination this year?  
What is your destination this year?
What is your destination this year?
Many hundreds of millionaires, one at a time, told me what they wanted in ten words or less. This alone is a shortcut to making your dreams come true. Only when you invest a solid five minutes considering how you can personally profit with this shortcut will you find the faster, better results you may have only wished for up until now. Just shut up and
think. Ask how you can profit from this immediately, and you will.
The most common physical shortcut amongst them? Almost every one cited daily and/or weekly written notes.
In the course of individual interviews by phone, shared meals, etc, millionaire after millionaire referred to a written list of what they variously referred to as "daily to-do lists," goal sheets, day planners, etc. There is no doubt that writing it instantly accelerates the achievement of just about anything you could want, pro
vided you're willing to ask people for help. This is a phenomenally powerful shortcut you'll benefit from within a day or three. The one minute it takes to write them down each day is repaid quickly, and many, many times over.
They ask for what they want. They ask. They ask more people, and they ask people more. This is far and above the single most powerful shortcut on earth. It works better than anything that will ever appear in your mind throughout your entire life. Proof will be found in the next few hours as we see how many people you ask for help today, and how many times you ask each person.
From birth to death nothing will ever compare to the power of this one high-powered Shortcut:
Ask more people, and Ask people MORE. It is the fastest, most effective shortcut in human history.
Its power is magnified when you ask for what you want. Fast boost in results? Bet on it.
You already are betting your reputation on it:
what you do today tells everyone how much effort you give. It's actually the primary determinant of what you're known for. Today you get to use the resources you already possess to increase them at a vastly accelerated rate by asking more people more times.
These thoughts and shortcuts are the words of those who are doing it . The horse’s mouth. Period. Shortcuts are currently working for millions of people earning eighty thousand bucks a month; they'll work for you.
You’re living in the richest land in the single richest era in the history of Man.
The precise moment you start looking for the benefit or opportunity that exists in every event of your life is the identical moment you begin colliding with one of the ten or twenty great opportunities that come in a lifetime. This one technique produces consistently better results. Millionaires and billionaires intentionally ask better questions and consistently get better answers. Maybe you're not among the 93% who ask the same old stupid questions. We can only know by what we see you doing today.  
Seven percent of us consistently ask better questions, which explains clearly why we consistently win.
You ask yourself many questions every hour. Ask better questions. Dare to ask yourself more empowering questions, within this minute. That means THIS NEXT 60 seconds, or you LOSE..
If your IQ were 50 or 60 points higher, which mine is, you'd be better equipped to understand that your reputation is not built on what you're capable of doing. Your reputation is not even based on what you're definitely going to do. Your reputation is based exclusively upon what you've done --- what you've done during the individual minutes that comprise your repute. The only possible way you can demonstrate whether or not you understand this incredibly powerful, fast-acting Shortcut.... is by how you demonstrate it.
Get it? You can't merely TELL us that you understand it... you can only demonstrate it.
All that hogwash about how you're going to get busy "just as soon as..." is exactly that: hogwash.
Bunk. Prevarication.
Baloney. People who say they're going to do something 'just as soon as....' rarely ever take the first step. Again and again we see between seven and ten percent of the populations asking better questions. Are you surprised to learn that it's the same seven to ten percent who are IN the top seven to ten percent? You already know as well as I do that the people in the top ten percent are not always smarter, at least many of them don't seem too bright, do they?
If they're in the top ten percent, three things are perfectly certain:
- they use at least one or two MORE minutes per hour than you do, investing those minutes into something that they enjoy doing.
- They persistently look for ways to get paid doing what they love to do.
- They ask more people for what they want
Now that we have millions of Americans earning more than ten thousand dollars per week, isn't it time for you to pay attention to how they're doing it?
Not merely thousands of millionaires; rather, millions & millions of millionaires.
  Are you paying attention? Most have little or no college. They shut up and do! They do what they love, and get paid for it.
What about you? Do you tell the world, or worse, yourself, that you know how to do it, yet repeat whatever it was you did yesterday? In order to improve a result, there must be an improvement in effort. That's simple enough even for you, isn't it? Change the effort, you change the result. Better effort or lesser, your results will be as close as what Vince Lombardi meant as he coached more championship teams than anyone in football history:
"Our rewards in life are always in direct proportion to our commitment to excellence, no matter what human endeavor."
In this very day everyone around you sees you trying... less or more than they are, less or more than you tried yesterday. Give it some thought, since it applies to YOU right now.
  Those who act upon information... are the wisest of all.
They also tend to have more smiles & toys. Getting it through your head that you can do it, and that you're worth it, is the huge, first step;
the true breakthrough step.
We'll teach you the little powertricks and techniques along the way, and even magical, sizzling words, sentences, and questions that produce faster, better results. All of these techniques and shortcuts enjoy a multiplied, even exponential
increase when you simply stop complaining and giving reasons why it "can't be done" ... ... and start listing ways, ON PAPER, for how to go about getting it done. Do you clearly understand that knowing it means little until you begin DOING it?
Sometimes your best first step is nothing more complicated than grasping the enormity of having more than fifty thousand new millionaires every month... ... and even more so when you understand that 6 of every 10 new millionaires do it through a home-based effort of four or more hours per week... ... followed by your creating a mental video of precisely how your life would be, will be, once you join the so-called millionaires club.
No need to quit your job or school: identify what you most enjoy doing, and find a way to get paid for doing it four or more hours per week... most often and most pleasingly accomplished through a business that YOU own, that YOU decide how to grow.
Act as if you're smarter, you quickly become smarter.
Act the way you want to be, you become the way you act. This works quickly, and consistently.
Now please close your mouth, open up your wonderful mind, and create just one question in the next 25 seconds that will advance your desire today.
One question. Now.
If you're anywhere NEAR as smart as you believe yourself to be, it is not enough to know that dreams are almost perfectly impossible for those who refuse to write them down with a date; a list of resources and people to seek help from, and a step by step plan for making it happen.
It is not enough to know that dreams with a date are now called goals, just as it's utterly insufficient to know and understand that writing these things on paper produce faster, better results.
Nope. It's just not enough to know it.
Contrary to what you've probably been taught (by people who have NOT pursued their own dreams, in all likelihood), knowledge is NOT power... ... ... it is nothing more than potential power.
We're asking you, right now, to answer a simple question:
If knowledge is only potential power, in exactly... ...precisely what minute does it become power?  
That's quite correct: the exact and precise minute... that your knowledge is put to use.
For you, and for me, that means this this THIS minute in time.
Please close your mouth, open your wonderful mind, and create just one question in the next 25 seconds that will advance your desire today.
Do it now
Now! Now! Now!
Now! Now!
Now! Now! NOW!
NOW! Now!
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Masters & Millionaires 2
GW Bush
This is, the largest personal website on earth, with 71,000 web pages
© EasyStreet, USA Thanks again to DynamicDrive and Webreference for such great scripts
All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people with my share of your profit, fair enough?
777 web sites, 71,000 unique web pages, all from one pair of hands --- for YOU!
In Memory of the ASTONISHING Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm, and his most ardent student, Steve Rubin, known to many as MrShortcut
Tell the world how to reach you. One-word domains make a big statement
Naysayers Teach Us Shortcuts to Winning and Succeeding "People who say it cannot be done should stop interrupting those who are doing it"
Each of us is familiar with the concept of there being at least one in every crowd. Be confident you know one or two of them yourself. We call them "naysayers."
No matter how terrific an idea may be that they are presented with,
these people invariably have something unpleasant to say...
about the idea, and/or the person who presented the idea.
Day after day, you'll find these self-styled critics putting down someone else's thoughts, ideas, and actions.
It is a virtually autonomic observation that they, I, and you cannot remember meeting even one lone "naysayer"...
...who had repeatedly achieved whatever it is they were denigrating or repudiating the probabilities of accomplishing!
True, or not?
Further, none of are are likely able to name even one legitimately successful person who exemplified or, in greater likelihood, has ever demonstrated this type of negative attitude and approach ... not once in all of my travels.
A fellow famed for his wisdom wrote, "We are offended by a fault in someone... only after, or because, we have identified that fault... in ourselves."
It's entirely possible that this might help to explain why we're so ROUTINELY unwilling to open up to potentially valuable advice and suggestions from others: It's easier to do so than to face up to the fact that we haven't gone ahead and fixed up that particular area of our lives.
After all, if we downgrade the suggestion, or the person issuing it, we successfully avoid looking at our own performance AND effort levels. We'd rather fix the blame than the problem, yes?
Rich Little, high school football star crippled in an accident, realized how much he disliked being with himself. Asking questions, he found that most people turn on the radio or TV, and otherwise avoid spending time with themselves & determining WHAT needs fixing or improving, and creating a plan for doing so. This encouraged him to develop a course on learning how to get along better with self AND others, how to better prepare for job interviews, & how to set plans for one's life; but when he sought financing from various foundations, they all laughed at his multi-page applications, pointing out that he had no college degrees, or other "credentials" for justifying a grant.
REALITY: 95% of the people who read this would "take the hint" after 30 different foundations rejected their applications. But not Rich. He waited until seventy five foundations said "No." That's when he REALLY buckled down & got exceptionally busy, and then busier.
Thirty more turned him down...40 more, & yes, fifty.
A whopping total of a hundred and forty foundations called to tell him it was a "no go." Do YOU have the fortitude to keep on going in the face of so much failure? Rich did. When the Kellogg Foundation called to tell him "Sorry, Rich, there's just no way we can see you starting this type of program for eighty thousand dollars," his heart sank yet again.
The voice on the phone continued. "Rich, it seems to us that a program like this just wouldn't work with eighty thousand dollars; so we're giving you \$150,000 to start with."
Last I heard, Rich Little's program was being taught in more than 5,500 high schools around the world!! He simply had no time to pay heed to the "naysayers." There's a profitable lesson for all of us here.Mom used to tell us kids, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."The next suggestion I hear? I think I'll just stop without saying much, beyond "Thanks," or, "I see." If the advice or suggestion seems to apply, or have value, I'd be silly not to take some action upon that advice. If not, I have no trouble remembering the phrase, "If it doesn't apply, let it fly."
More importantly, I'm inclined to look at whether or not the person issuing the advice or suggestion has recently, or ever, applied the recommendation themselves. If so, I'm certainly inclined to ask for some more details... because I've no wish to be a naysayer.
Whenever she'd hear one of her five children degrading or making fun of someone else's efforts/dreams/input to a subject, my mother would quickly say, "Don't knock it... unless you can do better."
Isn't it funny how our mother seems to get wiser... as her children get older?
Excellence is - and INFINITELY SO - far more of a choice than merely a chance.
Your decisions, and your persistence, your goal-setting, your daily actions, repeated,
are, provably, the predominant factors of your leaping success ... or dreadful lack thereof.
You already realize that you're fairly well surrounded by the greatest shortcuts,
being used by the people who've repeatedly given YOU reason to admire them, hm?
Whom do you admire? Who do you most want to be like? THAT's one of your role models.
By imitating the people you most wish to imitate the results of, you bypass trial-and-error.
No, not ALL of the trial-and-error, obviously, just about half, maybe a bit more than half of it.
What that leaves is more time for you to avail yourself of the additional opportunities this affords.
Seek and find YOUR greatest success shortcuts. Speak less and do more, you'll notice our respect.
Even better, you'll be able to note that YOU get imitated by the people who admire YOUR steps.
Do you always give people a reason to say yes? Do you use both hands as often as you can?
You've a great number of great shortcuts, and people who make use of them repetitively.
If that's not a great starting point, what's YOUR suggestion?
Our own mentors have said it many times over many years:
"What you do speaks so loudly, no need for you to say a word."
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This is, by far, the largest personal website on earth, with many MisterShortcut web pages
© EasyStreet, USA All rights reserved for those who feed hungrier people |
Below please find a smattering of the Masters and Millionaires sites
| - One-Shortcut To Boost Most Everything You Do - OneShortcut Is A Psychology of Shortcuts Keyword - DoctorShortcut Secrets Of Masters And Millionaires - Doctor-Shortcut Brings You The Psychology of Shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.US - Gorgeous Psychology of Shortcuts Entry Point From Mr-Shortcut - Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts Empowerment - Shortcuts From Rtcuts - a "cracked" or PRE-tld - -
Shortcuts.Me.Uk - Shortcuts Are Me In The Uk Too - Shortcuts ARE My Name Thanks To The Psychology of Shortcuts - What can you say about 1xx0? Quite A Delicious SweetDomain - Regulata Is The Rule of the Psychology of Shortcuts - - Psychology of Shortcuts Shapetalk Capital
OneWordDomains.US - Cheap & Premium! - Get Rich Inside First! One Word - Incredible that you can buy one-word domains so cheap!
The Psychology of Shortcuts is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires, indubitably YOUR
shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Psychology of Shortcuts is free for your life
You cannot accidentally fall up your personal ladder,
at least not more than one rung, according to Life's Rules.
Reach up just that one rung, and, once attained, then another.
| - The most powerful minerals on earth - QVial is filled with minerals supercharged by multiple processes - Psychology of Longevity favorite - Holding one of the QVials at the highest point on your head IMMEDIATELY and temporarily strengthens all brain points, and all body points
- Information on how QVials affect the brain and individual body points, 365 of which are directly related to organs, glands, and body tissue strength
MisterShortcut and the BrainDrain Team warrant that there is no deivce on earth that can accelerate molecules AND correct direction of spin
Affordable One-Word Domains Change YOUR Game and, apparently, one-word domains SERIOIUSLY boost your listings when you wisely follow core search rules - Game-changers!
Nicely packed with working opportunity, this is a Psychology of Shortcuts work career job employment domain opportunity No one in the world, NO ONE but the Psychology of Shortcuts sells one-word domains for such irrationally low prices. Food, medicine, health in general, ALL KINDS of medical specialties and doctor 'titles' and related, career, industrial, commercial, and more kinds of domains, thousands of them just one-word each!
... and yet, we've no wish to sell more than a few domains to big industrial or investment interests. Our biggest, fondest wish, our raison d'etre, our purpose for presenting this to YOU this way, is to sell thousands of domains for insanely low prices, which not only buys food for kids, as well helps to subsidize the number of domains we wish to give to charities & services. The core of this is selling these thousands of domains to real people, not corporations.
Have We got a word for You!
Premium Brandable One-Word Domains At Ridiculously Low Prices .work is a full TLD, equal to .com, and we betcha didn't know that! :-)
 Everyone deserves a one-word domain without paying .com prices! Agreed?
Guess what? dot-work domains are FULL TLD'S!! Talk about limited editions!
Ever wish you had a one-word domain to describe YOU? We believe everyone should afford a one-word domain.
We've got a word for YOU :-) - Respecting domains, one might see as, well, handily self-explanatory :-) = Grab one now, while hot! - Recognize this is a rare, clearly precious opportunity! - One Word Domaining BecauseR> Everyone Deserves A One-Word Domain - We believe everyone who wants a premium one-word domain should afford one - What looks better on business card, or Premium Domains For Sale
One-Word Domains - EVERYONE should have their own one-word domain, true?As well as anyone else, you likely recognize that most humans get a dozen or two dozen awesome opportunities in a lifetime. If you even generally agree with the foundational premise, the simple fact is that we have thousands of one-word domains.
We fully recognize that, with no more than a few years of renewing and building as we've built our 2,389 current, highly-ranked sites, many of these domains, including thousands of .work domains, ESPECIALLY one-word domains - can easily garner huge sums of money. The "catch" is, that's not why Advertibles registered these thousands of great one-word domains. The domains were acquired to help YOU.
.work domains function the same way as .com domains ... at a fraction the price!
Since .work domains ARE full TLD's, can be reached by any online computer on earth, why in the world would any of us restrict our reach by NOT having a one-word domain? As you've surely noticed, .com domains sell for millions. Even semi-decent .com's routinely sell for five and six digits. Yes, this is great for the few individuals who sell those domains to the corporations and domain investors who buy them. Not so good for real people, small- to mid-size businesses and schools, personal, professional, and other real-live interests.
Look at just a tiny taste of a single letter of the alphabet,
because these premium one-word brandable domains can be yours,
at prices estimated to be as little as 1/1,000th of the .com!
Buy Premium Kosher Domains
Excellence has never been known to be caused or accomplished by accident. Win on purpose!
Identify a deadline, because that transmogrifies a dream into a goal: A basic deadline.
Divide your goal into 8 or 89 or 233 pieces: Little bites are more digestible, true?
Identify the humans and organizations in a position to help you achieve your goal.
Before you estimate a truly substantial likelihood of attaining this prime goal,
remember we must always have a strong enough WHY to find the HOW

ONE CLICK TO SAVE A LIFE? - QRA testing is shared at no charge! "Pay" with free clicks! Honorable sponsors, savvy to knowing that who gives thrives, buy 1.1 cups of staple food to save starving creatures. When you click this food button and the one you'll see next you actually save a human life... at no charge to you.
What exactly do you think happens when you save a life or two, and repeat it a hundred days or a thousand?
Do you really think "nothing" happens? Newton's Third Law is compelling proof to the contrary, isn't it?
Give more and you are likely to live more... with unique layers of benefit that aggregate nicely.
For those of you who have already saved a thousand and more lives, you know what happens.
You are keenly aware of the physical, financial, emotional, and, bizarrely, even more benefits.
Newton's Third Law of Physics proves to us that what goes around will also come back around.
Knowing this in advance permits you to, effectively speaking, bet on a given race in advance.
Your life is the race referred to by the Anthology of A Shortcut. How hard do you run your race?
What is your reputation, that of a slacker, or that of someone who lived life with real excitement?
YOU determine your repute, more than anyone else does, so take a look, and make a better decision,
including the decision (that word means, "to cut away from any other possibility") to strive higher for YOU.
Feeding starving humans, or starving, neglected, abused animals is among the great shortcuts to great wealth.
The Anthology of A Shortcut invites you to stop pretending to know more than those who achieve more. Give freely.
You do not need to break your bank. A quarter per day is plenty if that is all you can afford, just give a quarter every day.
Better yet, until you grow wealthy, make use of websites that allow you to give simply by clicking through with your mouse.
For attention-grabbing one-word domains, on the cheap:, OneWordDomains.US,
Why pay millions? We offer thousands of one-word domains, for real people. MisterShortcut purchased over a thousand one-word domains in a single day. Not to make personal profit for self, rather, for YOU to have a premium domain, at a fraction of the price routinely charged by those who chase OUTSIZED profits. The sooner we humans act more like humans, less like corporations, we'll ALL win.
Saving Lives With Free Clicks? Look up Newton's Third Law.
Amat Victoria Curam
Knowing the QRA test, using it on everything you propose or intend to put against or into your body,
this alone elevates your intelligence, your ability to make better decisions with better information.
When you add to this the undeniably magic secret of also caring beyond your own needs, you get P A I D.
While it often comes in financial terms, there are payoffs in life far sweeter than money. Learn them. Again, Amat Victoria Curam!
Deeply grasp the power to help yourself - forever - with a sweet master secret of the universe: Helping the helpless is critical to YOUR Institute of True Success, & your Premium Domains Broker, too, because the world is ultimately, and intimately connected. Less vital to understand it than to comply with it!
Thousands and thousands of one-word domains, and the upper-edge of remaining two-word domains.
EVERYONE needs an online identity, and we all see that one-word domains are cream of the crop.
Take a look through, for example,, and see which one word sums YOU up best of all.
No one succeeds by accident. Success is a series of smaller steps that, alone, may not do much.
Aggregated, however, those tiny steps create synergy, where one plus one equals more than two.
From music or one-word premium domains, to all other efforts, what you invest is what you get.
"While we don't always get what we want,
we DO tend to get much of what we expect."
Fifty-Eight Shades Of YOU - Silently Customize Your Institute of True Mastery
If you were offered one thousand dollars in cash for each of your skills, things you do well, which means you enjoy doing it, how many thousands would you earn, given, for example, a twenty-four time period in which to create a list of your skills?
Like most people, your list shows at least fifty-eight skills, fair enough to say? Here is where you use the power of mathematics to multiply your fine results. Your fifty-eight best skills, and any PowerGems of the Institute of True Mastery, affect enough facets of your life that you use these shortcuts with, to help you know:
Every single facet of your life that you touch these shortcuts to becomes a sharper facet.
Use any one of those skills, today, and find something in it that you are not doing perfectly. As long as you are able to improve by one percent, the Institute of True Mastery works for you. Build on it, and let's see what's what in, oh, let's say the next one hundred days. Is that agreeable? World-class mastery does not require the mind of a rocket scientist, because hunger trumps everything else. If you only find fifty-eight superlative shortcuts at the Institute of True Mastery, is that not enough shortcuts for you? The point is that the Institute of True Mastery is already inside of you, in the guise of your child persona, if you understand. Think of Transactional Analysis, capitalized in respect, where we only think and speak as children, parents, or adults, at all times. There will always be a child alive within you, the parts that did not develop fully with the rest of your personality and experience. The Institute of True Mastery assures you that you will be stunned if you were to teach yourself to spend time with that child. How is it that everyone has an opinion even with nearly zero knowledge, zero personal experience under the opinion? Tony Robbins shared the idea that opinions are like table tops, requiring the legs of experience to make them stand. Too many of your table tops are all top and no legs. The Institute of True Mastery is a way to modify this greatly. The more you embrace your Institute of True Mastery, the more your Institute of True Mastery embraces you. One way that the Institute of True Mastery proves your creative intelligence is with pen and a paper clip. Please write down, within the next 100 hours, 100 uses of a paper clip. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Your brain is a muscle that gets far too little exercise. Like any other muscle, exercise makes it stronger. As of now, no more excuses for not knowing how to exercise your brain with intent of making it stronger. With only one idea per hour, you should either breeze past 100 ideas, or list 100 uses long before 100 hours. At the core of the Institute of True Mastery is the aim of awakening your own internal Institute of True Mastery. There is Shapetalk inside of you, as surely as there is a Institute of True Mastery (mostly sleeping) inside of you. If you are smart enough to use recipes to cook tasty dishes, if you are smart enough to plan a wedding in writing, then the Institute of True Mastery needs to know why you think that planning your life in writing is less potent for you.
Fifty-eight shades of you, one hundred shades of you, there is Shapetalk, poetry, shortcuts, action and excellence in you.
With life moving past you at 1,440 minutes, EVERY DAY,
When do we wake up YOUR inner giant?
The ease and simplicity of the Institute of True Mastery, and most PowerGems,
will work in your favor every day that you work these shortcuts in your favor.
You are invited to prove you are smarter than some might think, with a Institute of True Mastery secret trick.
The single set of exercises involved with writing out 100 uses for a paper clip increases your intelligence. The exercises involved with writing out 100 uses for a paper clip increases your creative intelligence, your PROBLEM-SOLVING skills. The capabilities are already within you, awaiting your command. Since capability exists, it is repeated exercise of the skill that makes you smarter and smarter. For example, let us pretend that you are smart enough to do this weekly, for a month or so. By the time you've found 100 uses for five different items, or even the paper clip, if you wish, your brain will be so much better at problem-solving, at producing innovative, creative solutions, you will wonder why the Institute of True Mastery is not taught to every schoolchild across the world. Go ahead and dare to get smarter, on purpose! Since it costs you no more than otherwise wasted time...
For the Institute of True Mastery to succeed, you need to succeed at it, so, speak a bit less and do a bit more.
What you know, including what you only think you know, plays second fiddle to what you do with what you know.
Is there something about increasing your intelligence, repeatedly increasing your creative intelligence, that is less than something desirable to you? Wake up! No one else is doing it for you. "If it is to be, then it is up to me"
Pen and paper, please...
... and a paper clip
Shapetalk PowerGems
Institute of True Mastery Poem
PowerGems and Shapetalk, all in a row,
PowerGems and Shapetalk, putting on a show.
The best of all your PowerGems, wisdom that works,
is where the Shapetalk guides us, to EyeCandy perqs.
The best of PowerGems, and the best of cute Shapetalk, are all equally designed to help you best walk YOUR walk. The PowerGems inside of you, the Shapetalk you've not uttered, may be the most potent reasons, your performance is in the gutter. It's not that you are stupid, we hope, for look how well you usually cope,
if PowerGems are a lifeline rope, together we can prove that you are no dope. The less you speak as the more you do, the more we will know your claims are true.
Institute of True Mastery shortcuts are the shortcuts of masters, millionaires... and you.
Engage your PowerGems,
in Shapetalk EyeCandy style, better inform your use of time,
more wisely pass your own while. Petty chatter is no less than a theft, of your truly most precious possessions, what remains of your millions of seconds. PowerGem & Shapetalk your way to success.
Too much dirt in chatter, precluding great master secrets.
When you clean your minutes, they produce wealth.
Realize just how much power now resides within you. Even the tiniest use of your many great powers, repeated,
produces results greater than all around you, even combined. If I ask ten people 10x each, while you ask a thousand, you win. Asking more people more times each is your wealthiest shortcuts. There is no known wealth shortcut more potent, or faster, than asking. If you need to give ten reasons, if you have to ask ten times, ask away.
90% of all the yesses you hear from birth to death are after the 7th "ask." Praise and agree with objections, then convert them into your resolutions. Aid your Institute of True Mastery, so your Institute of True Mastery aids you.
Shortcuts and Secrets of Success - Shortcuts Shapetalk - Health and Wealth
QRA is only one of many master secrets of the universe for YOU to empower yourself with MisterShortcut shares countless self-empowering secrets of success in every endeavor
Yield better results from yourself AND the assets you have access to.
Elevate your outcomes in all that you do, using shortcuts that work.
If you know that excellence can't be accidental, make it happen!
The easiest beginning is to identify those doing it far better.
These are the role models worth imitating.. THEN innovate.
Always begin by identifying and imitating what works best.
Boost yourself upwards with the Shortcuts Work Attitude.
Taking the first step is often 80% of the entire task!
One step leads to two, and before you know it.....
The best part about two eyes for one mouth is double the usage and yield.
It proves to be the same for your nostrils, ears, along with arms and legs.
Imitating those who do it best is one of the top ten shortcuts in YOUR life.
Doing more with two hands rather than one can multiply your skill levels, yes?
See how all waste so many thousands of minutes - opportunities - we cannot get back.
The role models and champions of history speak directly to your "getting" this.
Thousands of minutes you retake control of will repay you thousands of times.
Make the time to stop each lucky day you get. Top five items of YOUR day.
Master secrets of the universe in shortcuts You CANNOT LEARN LESS ABOUT ANYTHING!
Master secrets of the Universe? Reject instant opinion, you get wiser!
Cease forming opinions until after you test the facts being claimed.
Most of your opinions, most of those of every human on the plant,
have proven to be wrong, because they were handed to us, hm?
Someone we trusted gave us THEIR opinion, we accepted it.
Since you cannot learn less about anything, learn more!
Do you realize what 3 new facts per day accumulates to?
In 100 days, 300 days, 1000 days, world-class mastery!!
Please stop pretending to know better, until you DO better.
You have the rest of your life to improve, to innovate, hm?
Permit your beginning days to be filled with great shortcuts.
Another of the master secrets that work is awareness of time.
Trading back even one of every ten pettily-spent minutes:
This is another master secret of the universe for YOU.
The only opinions we reap benefits from are opinions of those who are doing it better.
"Who does it best, who shows it best, proves they also know it best; WORTH IMITATING.
The Shortcuts Work Attitude is the ultimate in self-empowerment, from your Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are proven shortcuts of
masters and millionaires, the known shortcuts of champions and billionaires, and likely YOUR best
shortcuts to succeeding. It is why the Shortcuts Work Attitude is here for your life.
Shorcuts.US Success-Shortcuts.US
Excellence has never been known to be caused or accomplished by accident. Win on purpose!
Identify a deadline, because that transmogrifies a dream into a goal: A basic deadline.
Divide your goal into 8 or 89 or 233 pieces: Little bites are more digestible, true?
Identify the humans and organizations in a position to help you achieve your goal.
Before you estimate a truly substantial likelihood of attaining this prime goal,
remember we must always have a strong enough WHY to find the HOW
These inclusions of Fibonacci by virtue of inserting Fibonacci numbers here and there just may help!
The Shortcuts Work Attitude suggests you to both learn about Fibonacci, and to use Fibonacci.
Stop forming opinions on new information until you've examined and made use of that info.
Some may seem silly: Reading this little bit of Shapetalk A DOZEN times is a shortcut.
By the time you've done so, you'll better-grasp the discrete meanings you do not yet see. The Shortcuts Work Attitude is the rich condensation of the best of all teachers, those in at least three of the four interests of the Shortcuts Work Attitude: masters and millionaires, great champions and uninheriting billionaires. Stop pretending to know more. It stops your wisdom from emerging. Whatever you want most, ask for it thousands of times this year.
Extra hungry? Ask 100 per day, thirty-six thousand per year. There is little chance you will not have what you ask for. There is success, and there are excuses for lack of it. The Shortcuts Work Attitude bakes your excuses. What remains is your emerging excellence.
Master secrets of the universe in shortcuts You CANNOT LEARN LESS ABOUT ANYTHING!
Master secrets of the Universe? Reject instant opinion, you get wiser!
Cease forming opinions until after you test the facts being claimed.
Most of your opinions, most of those of every human on the plant,
have proven to be wrong, because they were handed to us, hm?
Someone we trusted gave us THEIR opinion, we accepted it.
Since you cannot learn less about anything, learn more!
Do you realize what 3 new facts per day accumulates to?
In 100 days, 300 days, 1000 days, world-class mastery!!
Please stop pretending to know better, until you DO better.
You have the rest of your life to improve, to innovate, hm?
Permit your beginning days to be filled with great shortcuts.
Another of the master secrets that work is awareness of time.
Trading back even one of every ten pettily-spent minutes:
This is another master secret of the universe for YOU.
The only opinions we reap benefits from are opinions of those who are doing it better.
"Who does it best, who shows it best, proves they also know it best; WORTH IMITATING.
The Shortcuts Work Attitude is the ultimate in self-empowerment, from your Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are proven shortcuts of
masters and millionaires, the known shortcuts of champions and billionaires, and likely YOUR best
shortcuts to succeeding. It is why the Shortcuts Work Attitude is here for your life.
Master secrets of the universe in shortcuts You CANNOT LEARN LESS ABOUT ANYTHING!
Are Valuable lessons worth hearing repeatedly?
Master secrets of the Universe? Reject instant opinion, you get smarter!
Forget nearly all opinions, most of them, of every human on the planet,
have proven to be wrong, because they were handed to us, true, or not?
Someone we trusted gave us THEIR opinion, which we chose to accept.
Considering you cannot learn less about anything, learn on purpose!
The power of your focus is far more of a choice than a maybe, ey?
You choose what you most focus on. There is something you'd love.
This is the greatest time of your life to reach for your best.
Do you realize what 3 new facts per day accumulates into?
In 100 days, 300 days, 1000 days? World-class mastery!!
Please stop pretending to know better, until you DO better.
You have the rest of your life to improve, to innovate, hm?
Permit your beginning days to be filled with great shortcuts.
Simply imitating those doing it better accelerates you hugely.
Finally, Another master secret that works is awareness of time.
Simply Stated:
Trading back even one of every ten minutes now spent on the petty,
returns to you in profit repeatedly and unto multiplication. Shhhhh.<
Less talking and more doing, because nothing speaks louder than proof.
Learn to repeat, again and again, every master secret of the universe you meet.
The only opinions we reap benefits from are opinions of those who are doing it better.
"Who does it best, who shows it best, proves they also know it best; WORTH IMITATING.
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These are proven shortcuts of
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Succeeding At Success Psychology of Shapetalk Style
Find more within yourself, and so many assets you have access to. Live YOUR Pathway Of True Health and Psychology of Shapelinks.
Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back. Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
Cease forming opinions before thinking. If your opinion was right, you would be a master now.
Use of the Pathway Of True Health and Psychology of Shapelinks virtually assures your mastery.
From today, remember to imitate masters, and THEN innovate with your knowledge and experience.
Trading just one of every ten chatty, petty minutes for ONE minute of your greatest thinking profits you. Opinions we're most likely to be uplifted by? Opinions of those who have repeatedly out-succeeded the rest. The Psychology of Shapelinks is a huge adventure of self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires, and provably YOUR sweet sweet shortcuts to succeeding. The Psychology of Shapelinks is here for your life