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Welcome to the largest web site ever created by a single pair of hands.Along with tributes to our heroes and victims of 911day, and facts/observations about one of the dirtiest trials of the 20th century, the vast bulk of these pages are made up of the primary shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires.Welcome to the world's biggest personal web siteComprised of 71,000 separate web pages contained on more than 550 unique web sites, all tied together. Dedicated to the late, great Monsignor Bernard Francis Kellogg, Oprah, and the life-changing generosity of Paul Newman (anyone who gives away a hundred million dollars worth of food gets applause)... and, most of all, dedicated to you.Dedicated specifically to YOU becoming a master, a millionaire, a champion, a billionaire. Welcome to the world's largest personal web siteNo money has changed hands on this project of shortcuts, designed to increase America's population of masters and millionaires by a mere one percent. This means that 70,000 of 290,000,000 people in America are invited to join the ranks of the most achieved, most fulfilled people among us: masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaire: masters of shortcuts. Your only cost is an expectation that a portion of your newer profits be invested feeding hungrier people. Even today, you can feed someone for free with just a click ![]() ![]() |
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Read the greed, then feed your seeds.
Useful shortcuts, useful shortcuts,
for all that you do that's useful to you.
Useful shortcuts for all your life's deeds,
find that useful shortcuts can fill your needs.
Useful shortcuts are ALWAYS your useful shortcuts,
comport yourself with your best ethics, and not as a whore does.
A whore in business is the worst of all, it's useful to note this,
because it is THEY who build walls,
walls to divide the mean and the snide,
the methods that indicate the lack of pride.
See how quickly useful shortcuts ease this.
Let your useful shortcuts, clear up that mess,
if it's useful you know you can get by with less.
Useful shortcuts, they surround us around the world,
Useful shortcuts work for all the boys and all the girls.
Is it not an useful shortcut when you ask for assistance?
Is it a less useful shortcut for you to cut across the lawn?
Is it an useful shortcut when you eat food made by others?
You employ many shortcuts without asking if they are useful.
When you use them on purpose, shortcuts become more useful.
Live your Psychology of Shortcuts with fullest intention and attention.
In return, the Psychology of Shortcuts helps you to be more useful.
Half your wealth is fairly earned by the Psychology of Shortcuts.
Invest that half into helping more of the helpless you find.
Where you see excessive wealth, you will see poverty.
Help the helpless for you to be rich and useful.
Feed your shortcuts, as your shortcuts feed you.
Masterlinks are meant to introduce you to the millions of unique pages connected to this taste of MisterShortcut Masterlinks.
At the bottom of every page of life, there is an accounting. Be sure that you can claim to have put your best foot forward.
Live the life that you wish to "brag" about to your grandchildren and their grandchildren, as well. Live more in each day.