You can be comfortably certain of an exciting, adventurous life
within days of you saying it is so. The fact that life is a self-fulfilling prophesy is probably more pertinent to your circumstances than you're allowing yourself to believe. Try using more exciting sentences right this minute!
With considerably less effort than you may have imagined, shortcuts to success will radically improve your success, quickly, effectively. Do any of us speak with greater authority than masters and millionaires?
We can only move in one direction:
the direction of our most dominant current thought. This absolutely guarantees that YOU taking control of the dominant current thought assures you of moving in that direction. You will literally decide what new directions your life moves in.
Take more control of your life by aiming your mental flashlight intentionally.
Focus on what you want, rather than why you can't. The exact amount of energy you now use to cite reasons why you're not at your personal high point -- the same exact energy of thought -- is instantly transferred and transmogrified into resolution focus when you list possible ways to get it done.
How about proving - today - that you understand this?
Whether it's the moment you marry the sweetheart of your dreams,
or the moment you step in front of a camera for your first commercial or starring role,
any moment that you're pursuing something with zeal is a moment you'll remember forever.
It is also the moment for which you will be remembered. You now have a reputation. It will get better or worse in the next 24 hours... ...based on what you do in THESE 24 hours. There is only one way we'll ever know if you're smart enough to understand this. One way only.
After all is said and done,
this is your life, and it will end someday. Won't you feel so much better about it if you
took the road of personal fulfillment, before it has passed forever, starting a new dream,
a new goal, a new determined effort that you can work on... ...before it has passed... ...
This is, by far, the largest personal website on earth, with 71,000 web pages
Excellence has never been known to be caused or accomplished by accident. Win on purpose!
Identify a deadline, because that transmogrifies a dream into a goal: A basic deadline.
Divide your goal into 8 or 89 or 233 pieces: Little bites are more digestible, true?
Identify the humans and organizations in a position to help you achieve your goal.
Before you estimate a truly substantial likelihood of attaining this prime goal,
remember we must always have a strong enough WHY to find the HOW
These inclusions of Fibonacci by virtue of inserting Fibonacci numbers here and there just may help!
The Anthology of A Shortcut encourages you to both learn about Fibonacci, and to use Fibonacci.
Never form opinions on new information until you have examined and made use of that info.
How's this for freaky? Reading this little bit of Shapetalk one hundred times is a shortcut.
By the time you have done so, you will know dozens of meanings you do not yet see. The Anthology of A Shortcut is the rich condensation of the best of all teachers, those in at least three of the four interests of the Anthology of A Shortcut: masters and millionaires, great champions and uninheriting billionaires. Stop pretending to know more. It stops your wisdom from emerging. Whatever you want most, ask for it thousands of times this year.
Extra hungry? Ask 100 per day, thirty-six thousand per year. There is little chance you will not have what you ask for. There is success, and there are excuses for lack of it. The Anthology of A Shortcut bakes your excuses. What remains is your emerging excellence.
ONE CLICK TO SAVE A LIFE? - QRA testing is shared at no charge! "Pay" with free clicks! Honorable sponsors, savvy to knowing that who gives thrives, buy 1.1 cups of staple food to save starving creatures. When you click this food button and the one you'll see next you actually save a human life... at no charge to you.
What exactly do you think happens when you save a life or two, and repeat it a hundred days or a thousand?
Do you really think "nothing" happens? Newton's Third Law is compelling proof to the contrary, isn't it?
Giving more has an odd way of delivering more - reciprocally, and aggragating quite nicely
For those human beings who have already saved a thousand and more lives, you know what happens.
You are likely aware of the physical, financial, emotional, and, indubitably, other benefits.
Newton's Third Law of Physics proves to us that what goes around will also come back around.
Knowing this in advance permits you to, effectively speaking, bet on a given race in advance.
Your life is the race referred to by the Anthology of A Shortcut. How hard do you run your race?
What is your reputation, that of a slacker, or that of someone who lived life with real excitement?
YOU determine your repute, more than anyone else does, so take a look, and make a better decision,
including the decision (that word means, "to cut away from any other possibility") to strive higher for YOU.
Feeding starving humans, or starving, neglected, abused animals is among the great shortcuts to great wealth.
The Anthology of A Shortcut invites you to stop pretending to know more than those who achieve more. Give freely.
You do not need to break your bank. A quarter per day is plenty if that is all you can afford, just give a quarter every day.
Better yet, until you grow wealthy, make use of websites that allow you to give simply by clicking through with your mouse.
Why pay millions? We offer thousands of one-word domains, for real people. MisterShortcut purchased over a thousand one-word domains in a single day. Not to make personal profit for self, rather, for YOU to have a premium domain, at a fraction of the price routinely charged by those who chase OUTSIZED profits. The sooner we humans act more like humans, less like corporations, we'll ALL win.
Saving Lives With Free Clicks? Look up Newton's Third Law.
Amat Victoria Curam
Knowing the QRA test, using it on everything you propose or intend to put against or into your body,
this alone rapidlytb elevates your intelligence, your ability to make better decisions with better information.
When you add to this the undeniably magic secret of also caring beyond your own needs, you get P A I D.
While it often comes in financial terms, there are payoffs in life far sweeter than money. Learn them. Again, Amat Victoria Curam!
Deeply grasp the power to help yourself - forever - with a sweet master secret of the universe: Helping the helpless is critical to YOUR Psychology of Shortcuts, & your Psychology of Longevity, too, because the world is ultimately, and intimately connected. Less vital to understand it than to comply with it!